Contractions started at 3 a.m. on Tuesday, May 26. It was a warm, sunny day in the Valley, and Mom and Dad did a good job staying calm. Solveig Johnson, a friend who also happens to be a nurse in Labor and Delivery, came to help at 12:30. It was about 3:30 pm when mom got to Mat-Su Regional, and Neva's two aunts and uncle were there for the action. The sky clouded up, and it began to get stormy as Mom and Dad went through triage. A nurse confirmed that mom was 4 cm, active labor. Now it was time for the hard part. It took several grueling hours and one successful epidural before Neva finally came out, at 3:01 a.m., exactly 24 hours after the first sign. She is 7 pounds, 12 ounces of joy, with a full head of hair, and even eyebrows! Her hand was by her head throughout delivery, and now she likes to keep her hand by her head when she sleeps! Mom and Dad are spending their second night in the hospital tonight and plan to bring Neva home in the morning.
Congrats!! Neva is beautiful!! I'm so glad that Megan was able to post this. Happy that your labor went well too! It's hard to imagine that we both have little girls of our own now when it wasn't too long ago that we were girls writing letter to one another...sigh. Take care!