August 21, 2010

First week back

The first thing Carlos did my first full week back at work was get a baby gate up to keep Neva out of the kitchen. She is so tall, she walks/runs around all over, and is getting into things high and low. She loves her "babies", as you can see, but her favorite word to say is "puppy".

Day care got her, then Carlos, a little head cold this week, but she does not mind going and playing with the other kids. They mentioned her in their newsletter's "infant room" section: We have a very cute little Neva who is 15 months old; we are looking forward to getting to know her better and teaching her new things!

August 12, 2010

Glasses picture

Neva made her first ever picture at her first day at "school".

Shelly's new glasses also on display in the photo.

Report from the new daycare is that she was great! no crying all day even though she didn't sleep very much at nap time.

August 06, 2010

Neva in the yard

Without weeds, we'd have much less fun outside these days. Neva loves plucking dandilions, and she loves feeding April snacks.